Pasi Opus 9

St. Augustine's in the Woods

Freeland, WA
II/P, 8 Stops

St. Augustine's in the Woods Episcopal Church


Manual I

8' Principal

4' Octave

2' Waldflöte

Manual II

8' Bourdon

4' Rohrflöte

3' Quint

1 3/5' Tierce +

2' Waldflöte *


16' Subbass

(+) Double draw from previous stop

(*) Transmission from Manual I

Manual II to Manual I

Manual I to Pedal

Manual II to Pedal

Kellner 1/5-comma well temperament

Wind system with one wedge-shaped bellows fed by a silent blower

Mechanical key-action

Compass: Manuals, C-g'''; Pedal, C-f'