Pasi Opus 3
Grace Episcopal Church
Lopez Island, WA
II/P, 12 Stops
8' Principal
8' Suavial
4' Octave
2' Octave
8' Gedackt
4' Rohrflöte
2 2/3' Quint
2' Octave*
1 3/5' Tierce
16' Subbass
8' Principal*
4' Octave*
(*) Transmission from Great
Inspired by the "Ebert" organ at the Hofkirche in Innsbruck, Austria. I have always admired that organ and was hoping to build a case similar to it.
The Principal 8 foot is in the façade from low E.
The Subbass 16 foot stands on the back of the case and is made of white oak.
The carvings are inspired by the customer's sea shell collection and are also made of white oak.
Both manual divisions are located on the same wind chest. Great in front and Positive in the back. The Pedal tone-channels are weaved into the Great division in order to accomplish the possibility of Great-to-Pedal borrowing of the Principal 8 and Octave 4. - M.P.